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2011/2012 秋冬系列 Joanna Sykes的首次亮相为品牌带来了一个转折点。以“英伦图标”为题,Sykes将新的简洁美学与Aquascutum丰富的品牌底蕴相结合。成品相当清新。新旧结合的理念贯穿秀展。宽松的花呢长裤搭配鲜亮的蓝色和橙色上衣。花呢短裙下的衬底是柔软的橙色。人字呢大衣在领口装饰了膨胀的蓝色短套领衫。各式各样的外套与夹克是主角。以羊毛为衬里的防水大衣,短款蓬松夹克,大号无袖运动夹克,以及再生皮质地的夹克(搭配相应的皮短裙)。这些都验证着Aquascutum是寻找外衣的好地方。垂褶的轮廓带来分层的魅力,不过仔细观察便会发现,面料的混搭也带来了几分休闲。一个令人难以置信的当季系列将Aquascutum带入了21世纪的大门。

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Written by Zoe Garton

Zoe Garton was one of the first contributors to the Catwalk Yourself project. She has a fervour for fashion and graduated with a BA (Hons) in History at University College London. Zoe is responsible for our Ready-to-Wear and Haute Couture sections.


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