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2011 春夏系列Nicolas Ghesquiere采用了新的设计技巧来展现未来主义。不管是刘海还是马尾辫,模特们的头发都梳得相当利落,正面看起来就像假小子一般。而开场的茧型皮外套更是加深了这种印象。除此之外,还有那不规则的印花图案,都展现了浓郁的后现代主义。斜条纹饰花和补丁状布料像是用一根随意系搭的皮质腰带拼接起来一般。这是Ghesquiere设计理念的进一步延伸。虽然看似老套,花朵图案(2011年春夏系列的重要元素)仍然是相当经典,而这也是Balenciaga的必备元素。这些与拥有不规则下摆的衬衫形成了鲜明对比。秀展最后以未来感的连衣裙结尾。白色和海军蓝的斜肩直筒裙由几部分几何状的布料拼接而成,相当不俗。

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Written by Zoe Garton

Zoe Garton was one of the first contributors to the Catwalk Yourself project. She has a fervour for fashion and graduated with a BA (Hons) in History at University College London. Zoe is responsible for our Ready-to-Wear and Haute Couture sections.


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