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2010/2011 秋冬系列Nicolas Ghesquiere 将现代感与稍显古板的条条框框结合在一起,趣味盎然。如泡沫盒般轮廓明显的珊瑚色与绿色短裙,搭以白色宽松衬衣以及圆领针织衫,整体略显清新学院风。线条硬挺的短裙所展现的,正是整场秀的主题风格。条纹是绝对的主角。宽条纹上衣搭配窄条纹短裙,条纹图案纵横不一。裤腿卷起的贴身长裤,配以喷溅式图案印染。整个系列与人工合成材料息息相关。白色棉袄式上衣与激光切割式剪裁的蕾丝短裙形成鲜明对比。有机玻璃和木头材质的高跟鞋彰显未来主义。柠檬黄,青绿色与纯白色的协调运用进一步展现了现代感。Ghesquiere在这一季的设计相当大胆,充满创意。

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Written by Zoe Garton

Zoe Garton was one of the first contributors to the Catwalk Yourself project. She has a fervour for fashion and graduated with a BA (Hons) in History at University College London. Zoe is responsible for our Ready-to-Wear and Haute Couture sections.


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