川久保玲(Comme des Garcons)

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2010/2011 秋冬系列模特们逐一亮相T台,身着极致臃肿的服装,整体轮廓就像是充了气的气球一般。Rei Kawakubo在作品中把玩比例。黑色及膝风衣以及裙装的内部都填充了大量海绵。模特们的下巴和头发用黑纱包裹,配以娇小白皙的脸庞,看起来就像日本的相扑选手。遍布海绵填充物的白裙彰显极致魅惑。褶饰短裙被塑造成向外鼓出的形状。细条纹的夹克同样在内部布满了填充物。身着白色上装和裤子的模特看起来就像巨型棉花糖。当然,体积不是秀展的一切。相同材质的白色裙装则被赋予类似浮雕的外形。这个系列相当具有张力,但对于它的穿着性能,catwalkyourself则持怀疑态度。

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Written by Zoe Garton

Zoe Garton was one of the first contributors to the Catwalk Yourself project. She has a fervour for fashion and graduated with a BA (Hons) in History at University College London. Zoe is responsible for our Ready-to-Wear and Haute Couture sections.


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