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Copyright © 1929 Kino International

Louis Brooks曾经说过:“一个精心打扮过的的女人,即便她的钱夹里是空的也可以征服世界。” 在Lulu的偶像生涯中,这句话一直是她的座右铭。她那头醒目的,标志性的厚重黑色刘海甚至影响了20世纪20年代的Bob发型。今天很多地方仍旧把这个发型称作“Lulu” ,可见其影响之大。电影中Lulu的标志性串珠露背黑白对比的礼服更是很好地突显了她并不性感的纯真和美丽。在Lulu诱惑Jack的场景中,Georg Wilhelm Pabst挑选了一套属于Louise brooks的衣服给Lulu,更好地衬托了这个被玷污的角色。同时,影片中对身着燕尾服的伯爵夫人Augusta Geschwitz女同性恋这一角色的描述,充分地体现了Geschwitz的中性风格。


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Written by Jemma De Blanche

Jemma De Blanche is a fashion and lifestyle journalist with a background in marketing and copy-writing, is in awe of all things creative and loves getting lost in a good book, a beautiful picture or the creativity of new collection. Jemma handles the Fashion in Film pages and the Men's catwalk reviews.


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