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Copyright © 1968 Paramount Pictures

此片中Paco Rabanne为Jane Fonda所设计的未来感十足的服装运用了大量的PVC和皮革。金属的背心和塑料的紧身衣都是20世纪60年代的潮流趋势。近些年的很多科幻电影虽说没有直接复制,但是从中可以看出芭芭丽娜给它们带来了设计灵感。


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Written by Jemma De Blanche

Jemma De Blanche is a fashion and lifestyle journalist with a background in marketing and copy-writing, is in awe of all things creative and loves getting lost in a good book, a beautiful picture or the creativity of new collection. Jemma handles the Fashion in Film pages and the Men's catwalk reviews.


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