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Fashion in Films 1990s The Fifth Element

Copyright © 1997 Gaumont Film Company

谈到科幻电影的服装设计,没有人比Jean Paul Gaultier更合适了。他的标志性的风格,紧身胶料的服装,少量的用量,穿在模特Milla Jovovich身上很是凸现了电影的特殊性,就算今日也不会看到任何人穿着这样的服装走在大街上。Gaultier设计了许多著名的舞台服装,包括Madonna的锥形胸罩和摇滚歌手Marilyn Manson的服装。《第五元素》完完全全地是Gaultier的风格,就像时一场未来时代的时装秀,从Milla的紧身橡胶衣,到Bruce Willis的露背体恤和贴身的礼服,就连戏份不多的明星们也穿着精心设计的服装。


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Written by Jemma De Blanche

Jemma De Blanche is a fashion and lifestyle journalist with a background in marketing and copy-writing, is in awe of all things creative and loves getting lost in a good book, a beautiful picture or the creativity of new collection. Jemma handles the Fashion in Film pages and the Men's catwalk reviews.


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