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在这部影片中,时尚无处不在。Faye Dunnaway在片中饰演一名时尚的充满魅力的摄影师。影片吸引人之处在于她专长装扮暴力中的时尚,所以她的着装也主要以暗色为主。影片建立在一个谋杀案的基础上,也为片中的时尚增添了许多神秘感。片中使用的服装面料主要以皮革,蕾丝和一些很柔软的布料为主,不是很暴露却处处散发着性感的气息。片中更有著名的时尚摄影师Helmut Newton参与,美轮美奂的照片为此片增色不少。


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Written by Jemma De Blanche

Jemma De Blanche is a fashion and lifestyle journalist with a background in marketing and copy-writing, is in awe of all things creative and loves getting lost in a good book, a beautiful picture or the creativity of new collection. Jemma handles the Fashion in Film pages and the Men's catwalk reviews.


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