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2011/2012 秋冬系列Nicolas Ghesquire创造了一个可穿性非常高的系列,温婉贤淑,女人味十足——同时却也有着他上一季的影子——朋克范儿。奶油般的皮革是的衣服柔顺流畅。中等长度的短裙剪裁立体,搭配线衫,看起来非常随性。美妙静谧的色彩:赤橙绿蓝紫在白色的背景上跳耀(有人也许会将其具体阐述为东方风情)。大区块颜色同样用于直筒裤上,比如紫色和浅莲红。模特们的脸部画上了铁蓝色的条纹眼影。穿梭于四大时尚之都的流行趋势在这里一应俱全:穿在裤装外面的束腰外套(不过这次长度略有调整)。Balenciaga创造了极致的女性朋克。

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Written by Zoe Garton

Zoe Garton was one of the first contributors to the Catwalk Yourself project. She has a fervour for fashion and graduated with a BA (Hons) in History at University College London. Zoe is responsible for our Ready-to-Wear and Haute Couture sections.


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