亚历山大•麦昆(Alexander McQueen)

2011/12秋冬系列 Sarah Burton的2011秋冬系列忠于Aalexander McQueen的风格,充满了颓废与戏剧性。长及小腿的大外套运用了皮革和皮草,亮色羊毛本是描绘出春夏的色彩,不过以更为柔和的色调展现出了冬天的感觉。这个系列的总体感觉很像是二战时期的军装,有着大大的衣领和袖口,以皮草饰线,皮革覆盖的长款夹克和扁平的军帽。高腰系带长裤,各种纹理和基调呃混合;皮手套和鞋子,衣领和袖口,花呢和羊绒夹克,丝质长裤,皮鞋和胶鞋,天鹅绒和金属质感,都传递了一种相当成熟的造型感,很像是一个级别较高的军官。运用于衬衣、外套或领带的大胆色彩,蓝色野餐毯式的披风,以及饰有黑色皮草线条衣领的长款红色外套,都似乎在提醒人们,McQqueen永远不会丢失它的戏剧效果。

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Written by Jemma De Blanche

Jemma De Blanche is a fashion and lifestyle journalist with a background in marketing and copy-writing, is in awe of all things creative and loves getting lost in a good book, a beautiful picture or the creativity of new collection. Jemma handles the Fashion in Film pages and the Men's catwalk reviews.

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