Street Fashion- The Perfect Puffa

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Street Fashion- The Perfect Puffa

Paris m str F17 017   Paris m str F17 018

Whilst shiny metallic trousers are enough to make you stand out, this puffa coat is also out of the ordinary. Oversized and trading the usual colours for this bold, bull print, accompanying accessories are kept minimal.

Paris m str F17 057   Paris m str F17 059Paris m str F17 058

Sporting a more traditional coat colour, both the trousers and puffa are dominated by poppers. Worn with neon tinted sunglasses, undoing some of the pants poppers also exposes these vibrantly coloured pom pom sneakers.

Paris m str F17 012   Paris m str F17 036

Switch your ordinary puffa jackets for one with a fun theme. Whether you choose one with a wild animal print like this North Face jacket on the left, or opt for a more conventional camouflage print of the right, neutral tops and trousers allow your jacket to be the statement piece.

Street Fashion- The Perfect Puffa

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Written by Natalie Horsley

Natalie is an English graduate whose interest in fashion began at an early age. A writer and blogger, she is passionate about vintage and French fashion and cites Audrey Hepburn as her ultimate style icon.

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