How to use fashion to drop the pounds

How to use fashion to drop the pounds

Before you get your hopes up, this isn’t a quick hack to make the scale start telling untruths. Unfortunately, the only way to manipulate the figures in this case, is to turn to the famous calorie counting advice that seems to have been around since the test of time.

Instead, today’s article is all about using a different approach. It doesn’t matter who you are, you can use subtle techniques to trick the eye and make your clothes mask your “true” figure. To highlight the point in-detail, let’s take a look at some of these methods.

Method #1 – Buy clothes that fit

It sounds almost ridiculous, but you would be amazed at the number of people who don’t buy clothes that fit. Sometimes, they will “think” that they are a smaller size than they really are, and subsequently get that “tight fit”. In this case, it goes without saying that all of the bumps are well and truly on show, and this just spells disaster.

On other occasions, they opt for clothes which are too large. This has the same effect; people will immediately think that you are looking to hide certain parts of your body.

As such, find a medium, and find clothes that fit you properly.

Method #2 – Your shoe colour can make a difference

One of the easiest ways to look thinner than you really are is to elongate your leg. There are a whole host of ways to achieve this, but for the purposes of today we are going to talk about your shoes. Take a look at a store like, and try and find shoes which have a skin-toned heel. The similarities between your shoe and skin tone should trick others’ eyes into thinking that your legs almost extend indefinitely.

Method #3 – V-necks can be your best friend

This is one of the more traditional tips, but that is for very good reason. The fact that V-necks have a much lower cut means that a vertical line is created, and as you should know by now, this immediately shouts out that you are thinner than what the scales really reveal.

Method #4 – It might all come down to your bra

You might have chosen the perfect outfit, but things really can be let down with what you wear underneath. In short, choosing the wrong bra is a fatal mistake. It’s something that an make your breasts sag and ultimately, throw your whole shape into disarray. Choose one that lifts your breast, and you’ll be shocked at the results.

Method #5 – If all else fails, turn to black

As we all know, trends come and go. Something that will never die out is black, though. This has an incredibly slimming effect on all body types and can again elongate your whole body. Sure, your entire outfit doesn’t have to be donned in black, but if you stick to this as your primary colour it can work wonders for your figure.

Written by Lola McQuenzie

Lola is one of our most busy writer, She worked for Catwalk Yourself since 2007 and still producing her 2-3 artiles per week. Lola graduaded at Central St Martins and started working wth us soon after

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