How to Make a Statement Through Fashion


A runway model – Photo by Darren Stone / CC-BY-SA-2.0

Your personal style will determine a person’s first impression about you. The clothing you wear ultimately states who you are and what you want from life. If you want to stand out in a crowd for all the right reasons, you might need to tweak and refine your look, so you can project the right image to the world. Read on to learn how to make a statement through fashion.

Dare to Be Different

Fashion allows you to express your personality through your clothing, so it’s the perfect way to show how different you are to others. If you want to make a fashion statement, you must dare to be different.

For example, you could follow in the footsteps of Hatshepsut, one of the earliest female Egyptian pharaohs. She wasn’t afraid to be bare-chested while wearing men’s kilts, false beards and a headdress, which represented the masculine power she wanted to possess as a woman. It ultimately conveyed a message to society and allowed her to showcase her personality and aspiration.

Change Your Attitude and Demeanor

Lady Gaga is a perfect example of making a jaw-dropping fashion statement that played to her quirky side, and she sold her image with her attitude, confidence and general demeanor. So, while you don’t need to don a meat-filled dress, you can embrace her approach to fashion to create your desired image.


Lady Gaga in a meat dress – Photo by John Robert Charlton / CC-BY-SA-2.0

Never Be Afraid to Overdress

If you are ever unsure about an event’s formality level, or simply want to adorn a stylish look for an evening, you should never be afraid to overdress. No-one ever thinks bad of someone who goes above and beyond to develop a jaw-dropping look, but they will remember you for all the wrong reasons if you are underdressed.

Dressing up will prove you have great attention to detail, and it will also project an image to the world about who you are and your aspirations, so you will become the one person in the room people will want to talk to. So, whether you are going to a formal event, attending a business meeting, or connecting with friends, it never hurts to dress up a little.

Always Look the Part

If you regularly wear stylish, formal attire, you can almost look like a slob when dressing down in the workplace or on a night out with your colleagues. While jeans and a t-shirt might feel comfortable, they’ll result in a dull, casual style that might fail to impress others. Never miss a fashion beat by making sure your clothing characteristics are similar to your formal attire, so you will always look the part whether you’re dressed up or down for work.

Steer Clear of Fashion Trends

You don’t need to be a celebrity to make a jaw-dropping fashion statement. Rather than following the trends in magazines, online or across social media, you should aim to develop your own jaw-dropping look that will prove you have an eye for fashion. Remember, trends will come and go, but good style will stand the test of time. Focus on developing simple, stylish, well-thought out looks that will grab people’s attention, which could even inspire their wardrobe.

In summary, if you want to create a fashion statement in 2018 and beyond, you should never follow in other people’s footsteps when it comes to style. Always wear looks that reflect who you are, what you do, and where you are going in life, which you can backup with both your confidence and general demeanor.


Written by Lola McQuenzie

Lola is one of our most busy writer, She worked for Catwalk Yourself since 2007 and still producing her 2-3 artiles per week. Lola graduaded at Central St Martins and started working wth us soon after

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