How to choose your custom leather belt?

Gone are the days when belts were only seen as a utility and wore in time of needs. Nowadays, without a belt, the dressing is a bit incomplete and it looks odd when someone is not wearing a belt.

Since belts are now a basic part of your dress so you need to choose a decent and fashionable belt for yourself along with the comfortability. A man should have a collection of different belts rather than just owning a couple of belts.

In order to differentiate yourself and make personality better in terms of outfits, a high-quality belt plays an important part. Every person can just estimate the price and quality of the belt with a bird’s eye view.

With so many types of quality available in belts, it is highly probable that you would not be able to judge durability time that a belt can provide.The only preference you should give is to leather belts because they will be highly durable and gives a good impression of the personality.

Cheap belts are available in abundance in the market but after using them for 3-4 times, they lose their shape and color. Someone wearing a torn-out belt doesn’t seem nice and this thing should always be taken care of.

You don’t want to wear a bad looking belt at the last moment because you didn’t have an option. If you end up buying a cheap belt, they will be ultimately waste of money. Low-quality leather doesn’t look nice after some time.

If you want to make your dressing complete and stand out, then a high-quality leather belt should be your first priority.

Leather belts are in no shortage in the market, but when you tend to visit stores, they look extremely unattractive to buy. Some leather straps are dull in color, some buckles don’t seem to fit your style preferences, and if you end up choosing the size of the belt becomes an issue. Then you have to rush to tailor with newly purchased belt to adjust the size.

I loved the way Duret-Paris has offered convenience to its customers in delivering custom made leather belts. If you visit their online store, they make you the manufacturer of your own belt. From leather strap quality to buckle selection, all choices are of the customer what to include.

Before choosing a custom leather belt, you need to make yourself go through a buying process before placing an order. See your style preferences, what suits you are going to wear this belt with. The color of the belt should normally match with the color of your shoes as a general fashion trend.

The go-to options for color are black and brown but obviously, if you want to be bold, then bold colors can also be used. There are plenty of color choices so don’t be hesitant to switch from traditional color and styles.

The best thing about custom hand made belts are that their size perfectly matches yours. You don’t need to get their lengths adjusted which sometimes destroys the outlook of the belt.

So, you might want to put an end to low-quality belts in your cupboard and get some few but new leather belts that will help you in building a better personality outfit.


Written by Lola McQuenzie

Lola is one of our most busy writer, She worked for Catwalk Yourself since 2007 and still producing her 2-3 artiles per week. Lola graduaded at Central St Martins and started working wth us soon after

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