Watch: Roland Mouret x Banana Republic video campaign

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Nicknamed the “master of the dress,” Mouret is set to shake up a lot of wardrobes with this limited edition capsule collection. First announced back in April, Banana Republic has now revealed the first promotional visuals for the line, fronted by Karolina Kurkova. In the video that goes along with the pictures, the Czech model is accompanied by the designer.

The collection pays tribute to the designer’s very feminine style, and makes use of “Sloan,” Banana Republic’s signature fabric, a double stretch material that hugs curves and flatters the figure. The line will be available from August 7.

Mouret explained that the “common goal” of the collection was to offer “incredible fit” through various styles and offer “modern women” a selection of “multi-functional” pieces to “accessorize in her own way.”

Prices range from $49.50 to $165.

Watch the video:

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