Watch: River Island x Georgia Hardinge

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The two-minute film was written and directed by filmmaker Alex Turvey and stars model Ben Grimes as a mysterious figure in a woven Georgia Hardinge dress, surrouded by nude supplicants. 

The set design, like the clothes themselves, was influenced by the surrealist work of Swiss painter H R Giger who famously worked on the art design of the Ridley Scott classic “Alien.”

As Grimes contorts and lights flash, the naked models grow a skin of Georgia Hardinge’s body-conscious designs as the fabric floor of the room rises up dramatically. The figures unfurl themselves before they contract and disappear. 

The eerie tone set out by the visuals was furthered by the moody score, provided by sound designers Golden Hum. The London-based consultancy has recently worked on films for luxury brands Prada, Diesel and Cerruti.  

Director and designer Turvey was hailed as one of “Fashion’s New Generation” by Vogue Magazine, and has produced award-winning films for brands including Topman, Nike and Anna Dello Russo for H&M

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