Vera Wang Swaps New York for Paris

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Vera Wang Swaps New York for Paris


Vera Wang will be swapping her usual New York Fashion Week slot for Paris this February to present her autumn/winter 2017 collection.

Not only will Wang be introducing a change in location, but also in form. Instead of the traditional runway show, the designer has opted to present this season in a film. When asked why she chose to deviate from the conventional show, Wang admitted that, although she wanted to pay tribute to the capital, a show in Paris would be impossible as the company “lacks the infrastructure to support such a trans-Atlantic event”.

The film will be released on the first day of Paris Fashion Week, the same day that the designer will be receiving the Légion d’Honneur. Wang has promised it’ll be “an ode to Paris” in celebration of the prestigious award. Although she has yet to choose a director she is said to be considering Gordon von Steiner, with whom she has worked in the past.

The designer remains elusive as to her plans for the future and whether these will include a return to New York; “Probably we will, but maybe in a very different format”. She went on to discuss the competitive nature and limitations of the US fashion capital in more detail.

“Part of the frustrating thing for me in New York, the calendar is so full now that it’s insane to try to get models and hair and makeup. It’s a battle royale for everybody – stylists, model agencies – everybody is just crammed in”. She also highlighted problems that she’d encountered in finding locations for her shows, saying “there aren’t that many locations available. That’s a limitation when you’re trying to express a point of view, or you have a certain kind of girl in your brain, or guy in your brain”.

With Wang’s outspoken discussion on the struggles she faces working in her home city, it will be interesting to see if others will follow suit. Her departure from New York comes as the second in the past few days. Hugo Boss, another regular on the New York Fashion Week schedule, announced that they would not be showing next season.


Vera Wang Swaps New York for Paris



Written by Emma Kate Hall

Emma is an English student at King’s College London. She loves reading, writing and travelling and hopes to pursue a career in fashion journalism full time after her degree.

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