In the mood of: Tom Barker, model with Elite

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Which is your favorite of the fashion capitals (NYC, Milan, London, Paris) and why?

Definitely NYC – it’s a beautiful city and there’s lots of exciting things to do!

What are your top three tips for staying in shape during fashion week?

– DON’T go out drinking (probably the most important one!!!)
– Try and do workouts in the hotel room, even if it seems really difficult it is so important to stay in shape!
– Walk to castings or ride a bike, as opposed to getting taxis everywhere!

What’s your favorite reading material while you’re waiting around backstage/at castings?

Probably autobiographies, and constantly refreshing Twitter – obviously!

What’s the craziest behind-the-scenes disaster you’ve witnessed?

Someone’s trousers ripping at the back just as they are supposed to step on to the catwalk!

What’s your ideal post-fashion week comfort meal? 

If I am in NY I always treat myself with a giant burrito after the shows!

What three things could the fashion industry change to make models’ lives easier?

One – spread out time between castings by maybe clients communicating with each other
and two – make the casting time longer!

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