Importance of Plus-Sized Inclusivity in Fashion

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One of the biggest ongoing struggles of the fashion world is the fight for diversity and inclusivity. Although it has gotten much better in recent years, there is still a fight to see plus-sized bodies and minorities on the catwalks of popular high fashion brands. This need for diversity goes deeper than just a simple desire for representation but can help turn the tides for acceptance for minorities of all types. 

Plus-Sized Models in High Fashion

Perhaps the biggest venue for plus-sized representation is the world of high fashion. The models who walk for these brands are seen by people all around the world, making it one of the best stages for inclusivity. While there are still many changes that need to be made, brands like Dolce and Gabbana have been using plus-sized models in their fashion shows for years already. Including “normal” bodies in high fashion helps to destigmatize plus-sized people. 

When plus-sized and curvy bodies are included in a high fashion setting, people across the world will see that their bodies are socially acceptable. While this inclusion won’t entirely erase the discrimination many plus-sized people face, it helps to normalize these types of bodies in society’s eyes. With this sway of public opinion comes new opportunities and less discrimination against plus-sized people. High fashion brands including plus-sized bodies help to normalize the inevitable existence of these beautiful people and lessen the stigma and discrimination they face.

The Struggle to Get Inclusive Sizing

Unfortunately, getting plus-sized clothing that is in style can also be a struggle for many people. Many big box stores don’t carry inclusive sizing in-store, and what little they do carry tends to be outdated styles from five years ago. In the United States, the average size for women is 14, and for a man, it’s 40 inches. These sizes are widely considered “plus-sized” by many brands, which can be a very harmful point of view. 

When brands begin to carry more inclusive sizes in both stores and online venues, their overall bottom line will generally increase. More people will be able to shop at these stores, causing economic growth, increased jobs, and better work environments for employees. Inclusivity isn’t just a moral struggle, but it also has incredible economic and social impacts as well. When society begins to accept each of its members, it begins to heal. Inclusivity in fashion can begin to heal some of those age-old wounds.

Making Strides Going Forward

As the fashion world continues to progress, it’s important to continue to improve the rate of inclusivity along with it. More and more brands should take a page out of Dolce and Gabbana’s book and begin using plus-sized, older, and disabled models in their fashion shows. This level of inclusivity helps to break down the air of elitism that can plague the high fashion world and exchange it for diversity and peace. In the fashion community, trends start from the top down. The high fashion houses make the trends, then smaller companies emulate them and produce similar fashions at a higher volume. Whether it’s clothes or societal trends, what the bigger brands start will make a lasting effect on the entire fashion industry. 

Many brands are pushing to make their business more inclusive by designing specifically for more curvy bodies. When a straight size is just increased in size, it tends to not fit a larger body right and ends up being unflattering. On the flip side, clothes that are designed with larger bodies in mind fit much better, giving a flattering fit with a serving of confidence on the side. It’s time for fashion companies to start designing stylish clothes with their curvier clientele in mind. Adding this extra level of inclusivity will help to turn societies minds away from the stigma it holds toward plus-sized people and toward an increased level of unity. 

Overall, ensuring fashion is inclusive to plus-sized people is crucial. Most of the world doesn’t fit into straight sizes, and everyone deserves to have clothes that make them feel confident.

Written by Lola McQuenzie

Lola is one of our most busy writer, She worked for Catwalk Yourself since 2007 and still producing her 2-3 artiles per week. Lola graduaded at Central St Martins and started working wth us soon after

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