Our newly launched “Job Board” feature

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Catwalk Yourself launches the new Job Board by broadening the connections between young professionals and the Fashion Industry.

Get access to the newest opportunities around the world or connect to employers searching for the right person, latest talent…or simply You!

Catwalk Yourself breaks the boundaries and provides you with all the necessary information in order to find what you are looking for. Applying for a new opening is very simple..try it!

The variety of opportunities are immense, from Designer Jobs, to Marketing positions or Social Media, Modeling, Photography, Merchandising, Buying and much much more. Everything around fashion, 360 degrees.

Check it out here and apply to anything that might interests you…it’s free!

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Written by Greta Voeller

Writer, linguist, hobby photographer and traveler. Majored in Social Media and Brand & Product Design and Management with a focus on fashion & art.

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