5 Mistakes We Do When Buying Skincare Products Online

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Before rushing to buy skincare products online, there are several things you need to know about. First, a lot of women have ended up losing money after purchasing the products they did not order as they were either scammed or simply too rushed to research the product in-depth. Secondly, given the plethora of information, we have about skin types and beauty products advice, it’s shocking how so many people still fail at choosing and shopping for skincare products.

What’s more, some even get stuck with cosmetic or skincare products, which can give an adverse effect on their skin. With that in mind, it is much needed for women to identify their skin type and needs long before picking a skincare product for it.

1: Buying from unknown manufactures 

Online shopping has made it easier even for fraudulent businesses and individuals to sell fake beauty products to unknowing shoppers. A 2018 article published in New Beauty Magazine describes how some large retailers like Walmart, eBay and Amazon have even got caught up in this mix. Sadly, buying and using fake cosmetics isn’t just an issue of not getting the result you’d expected for. Some products have been analyzed and shown to contain a series of harmful ingredients ready to harm your overall health.

The same goes when you buy from an unknown manufacturer of the products you want to buy. It’s essential to know the manufacturer before you make a decision. Most of them are there just to make a kill. Lots of people have lost considerable amounts of money buying what they thought was a brilliant product. Instead, they ended up with products they could not use or donate. What’s to be done? When buy skincare products online, make sure you at least verify if the manufacturer is a genuine one. You can do it by simply visiting their website or verifying the details given.

2: Relying only on branding products 

Thanks to a successful marketing campaign which many brands are proud of, there is a myth among buyers that only branded companies can generate top-quality and organic beauty products. Unfortunately, things aren’t always as they appear on a widescreen. You can also get the natural ingredients made skincare products right from the small suppliers and manufacturers in the industry.

What’s really sad is that most women do rely on branded products due to the attractiveness of the brand only. What does it take? It takes effort to find the right supplier or manufacturer of skincare products on the market and try to research more to find natural ingredients used in the products that suit your skin type and then purchase the right product.

3: Not reading the reviews 

Have you ever read a bad review about a skincare product from a beauty editor, celebrity, beauty blogger or even someone you follow on Instagram to find that when you bought it and used it, it didn’t work at all or even cause you skin problems? We know this is maddening, but it does happen all the time for dozens of people in their quest for solving their own skin problems.

What you need to realize when reading a beauty product review or getting a recommendation from someone close is that every type of skin is different and what might work for your friend will not work for everyone. Unfortunately, you will not always know how your skin will react to a product until you actually use it.

4: Not understanding basic skins care needs and sequence

Contrary to what you might have been told, there are at least two types of consumers – those uneducated, totally clueless where to even begin and those who tend to enjoy putting on multiple layers of products.

Many of them don’t really understand which arrays or products as there so many options in the market.

The most frequently asked question is whether it is necessary to implement 5 or 8 steps or 10 steps in your skincare routine to have the results expected. Since there is no one size fits all solution when it comes to skincare, you will need to learn everything you can about your skin type and needs. You don’t need a myriad of steps in your skincare routine at all. What you need to know is follow the basic cleanse, tone and hydrate or develop a routine that really suits your skin needs.

5: Failing to maintain routine & product

Perhaps the manufacturer you’ve bought from develops some of the best skin products existent, maybe your skin gets what it needs from that product. But how you choose to store that product can make the difference between a healthy skin aspect and a total fail. People have a totally unrealistic expectation about products, and not wanting to continue using the skincare product after only one bottle, then later complain when their skin turns dull again after interrupting their skincare routine for some time.

Let’s put it this way; just because we shower today, doesn’t mean we will stay clean three months from now. Don’t forget that your skin is one of the biggest and most important organs that require “feeding”. If you had a plant and you chose to only water it once then expect it to thrive, it will probably dry out in a few weeks.

Our current society suffers from instant gratification. Everyone wants things to happen now. If you’re seeking sustainable positive change- it takes time. If you’re struggling with acne for five years to ten years, do you really believe there is a magic product that will cure in a few days? If you need sustainable results, you have to put in some effort and understand that there is no quick fix.

Generally speaking, even after you’ve found that magic product, you will still see the progress after one or two weeks of routine usage. However, you should remember that what works for others might not work for you.


Written by Lola McQuenzie

Lola is one of our most busy writer, She worked for Catwalk Yourself since 2007 and still producing her 2-3 artiles per week. Lola graduaded at Central St Martins and started working wth us soon after

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