What Are Invisalign Braces?

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Having straight teeth not only boosts confidence but comes with a number of oral health benefits. From teeth lasting longer, reduced risk of jaw trouble and protecting overall health, having crooked teeth straightened will present you with a number of advantages. With there being multiple ways to straighten teeth, many people are now opting for Invisalign London for a discreet way of getting the perfect smile.

What Exactly Are Invisalign Braces?

These braces are custom-made invisible plastic aligners that are designed to shift the teeth into their correct position. Every couple of weeks, the Invisalign braces are changed to a new set of trays and this is repeated until the teeth are in the correct, straight position. These Invisalign braces have been designed to provide the same benefits as traditional braces, but they’re less noticeable, making them a very popular choice. These can be removed for brushing, eating, drinking and flossing too.

How Do Invisalign Braces Work?

Invisalign braces work in a series of trays that progressively move your teeth into place. Every tray is designed to make the teeth slightly straighter than the previous tray, and they will move around 0.25mm per tray. Simply put the bespoke trays in your mouth and you’re ready to go!

Why Might You Need Invisalign Braces?

These braces can help to fix a variety of dental problems, including gapped teeth, underbites, crowded teeth and overbites (to name a few), which can all impact dental health. The gapped teeth can leave the gums unprotected, resulting in periodontal disease. Overbites and underbites tend to cause unwanted stress to the jaw, which can lead to painful joint problems, and overcrowded teeth can cause plaque accumulation. In order to promote the best oral health, Invisalign braces are used.

What Happens After Invisalign Braces?

Once you have reached the goal of wearing Invisalign braces, the perfect smile and straight teeth, your orthodontist will suggest wearing retainers to prevent the teeth from shifting back into the pre-treatment position.

The Benefits Of Invisalign Braces

These Invisalign braces come with a number of benefits, besides having an invisible appearance that doesn’t detract from your smile or face. Renowned for their better comfort than original braces, the smooth plastic is preferred over the metal. Additionally, they are custom-made to fit the mouth and the teeth of the individual, without having any extruding or sharp edges, which adds to the comfort of the braces.

As the Invisalign braces only need to be maintained every 6 weeks on average, you will spend less time at the orthodontist, as opposed to using other teeth straightening methods. One of the biggest reasons why people don’t enjoy wearing braces or using straightening techniques is because of the food restrictions. However, with Invisalign braces this isn’t a problem, as you can remove the trays of the braces and eat whatever you choose!

The biggest benefit of these Invisalign braces is the excellent results. After the months of wearing them, you will have a great smile and beautifully straight teeth that you are proud of.

Invisalign braces are perfect for straightening teeth for the perfect smile that will improve confidence and dental health. Speak to your orthodontist for more information and if the braces are suitable for you.


Written by Lola McQuenzie

Lola is one of our most busy writer, She worked for Catwalk Yourself since 2007 and still producing her 2-3 artiles per week. Lola graduaded at Central St Martins and started working wth us soon after

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