Björn Borg launches nude collection

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Björn Borg launches nude collection

Former world number 1 tennis star, Björn Borg, launched a new underwear collection called “The Skin Collection” on 21 March 2016. It features six different hues ranging from a deep mahogany to a light oak and everything in between. Catering to both men and women, the collection features two styles being hotpants and shorts.

Launched on International Day Against Racial Discrimination, the collection aims to fill a gap in the fashion market by challenging the convention that there is only one “nude” colour and it means the same thing to everyone.

This concept of embracing diversity was notably done when Christian Louboutin launched a range of different nude tones aptly named “The Nudes” in 2015 which sold out very quickly. Equally, lingerie brand Nubian Skin works on the same concept as Björn Borg by providing an array of nude skin tones for women of colour.

Björn Borg launches nude collection

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Written by Brenda Mulenga

Brenda, a London Journalism Centre alumna, is our fashion business news writer. She enjoys attending fashion shows, shopping and writing.

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