Watch: Lanvin’s dancing shoes

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Lanvin has taken its ballet slippers dancing! A new one-minute long stop-motion film released by the French label shows the famous ballerina slippers in a range of colors and finishes including pastel, patent, satin-effect and jewels. With a touch of Lanvin magic, the shoes perform a choreographed routine worthy of Esther Williams! 

Made out of ultra-thin lambskin with a supersoft texture, the shoes feature soles that are wider than traditional dancing shoes, and they are trimmed with matching elastic. 

The gentlemen don’t miss out on the fun though. There’s a second Lanvin Homme video showing the brand’s Classic men’s sneaker in a range of colors with a patent toe, coming alive and performing their own little dance. 

Both shoes are available online at with prices for the ballerinas starting at €320, and the captoe sneakers at €325. 

Watch the ballet slippers video:

Watch the sneakers video:


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