巴宝莉•珀松(Buberry Prorsum)

[sublimevideo poster=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/MAN-CatwalkYourself-AW11-Burberry.jpg” src1=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/MAN-CatwalkYourself-AW11-Burberry-01.mp4″ width=”” height=””]

2011/12秋冬系列 这个系列为我们带来了80年代风范的雌雄同体,我们可以看到剪裁不正、饰有垫肩的夹克,大大的圆肩设计,锥形褶饰长裤,有些造型绝对是男女通吃。外套和夹克抢尽了风头,羊毛飞行员夹克饰有大大的口袋,外套颜色缤纷各异,包括蓝色、橙色、黄色和红色,还有皮草领的长及膝盖的花呢大衣和黄色塑料夹克,甚至是方格“野餐毯”风格的圆肩外套也在向大英帝国的夏天致敬。你绝对可以感受到Christopher Bailey在向不可预知的全球气候状况致敬。有着厚实鞋底的惠灵顿靴子,大号皮草报童帽,前部饰有人造皮草的针织套头衫,以及高腰修身夹克,给这个系列注入了一些卡通元素,而多变的颜色更是锦上添花,尤其是那身黄色的帕丁顿熊(Paddington bear)雨衣。似有若无的复杂老练,让人倍感清新。

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Written by Jemma De Blanche

Jemma De Blanche is a fashion and lifestyle journalist with a background in marketing and copy-writing, is in awe of all things creative and loves getting lost in a good book, a beautiful picture or the creativity of new collection. Jemma handles the Fashion in Film pages and the Men's catwalk reviews.

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