乔治• 阿玛尼(Giorgio Armani)

[sublimevideo poster=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/MAN-CatwalkYourself-SS11-GiorgioArmani.jpg” src1=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/MAN-CatwalkYourself-SS11-GiorgioArmani-14.mp4″ width=”” height=””]

2011 春夏系列 这是个相当有水准的Giorgio Armani系列,以阳光和城市为命题,通过模特们眼部的妆容展现了些许犀利与前卫。丝质套装包括一敞到底的双排扣夹克,长裤闪着丝绸的光泽,皮革的翻领相当前卫,面料则是选择了花卉蕾丝或是缎子。这一系列的主题是灰色和蓝色,还有城市工业化的色彩,是都市男性最会接受,认为最具专业性的色彩,而黄色皮夹克、腰带和鞋子的出现则是带来了阳光,一朵小小的黄色马蹄莲别在了剪裁完美的套装翻领上。这个系列没有什么开创性的元素,但是也没有将我们对Giorgio的期望打碎,是个完美洁净的正装系列。

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Written by Jemma De Blanche

Jemma De Blanche is a fashion and lifestyle journalist with a background in marketing and copy-writing, is in awe of all things creative and loves getting lost in a good book, a beautiful picture or the creativity of new collection. Jemma handles the Fashion in Film pages and the Men's catwalk reviews.

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